

724. 鼻で息ができないの。

Scenario: 昨日から鼻が詰まって口呼吸になってしまう。マスクをしているから余計に息苦しさを感じる。毎日やっているヨガは鼻から息を吸わなくてはいけないのだが・・・。


"I can't breathe through my nose."




× go to travel
〇 go on a trip 
〇 travel(動詞)

× go to walk
〇 go for a walk

× go to ski
〇 go skiing

× go to shopping
〇 go shopping

× go to a school
〇 go to school

× go to a doctor
〇 go to see the doctor  (主治医ではないときは、"a"になります。)

× Let's start from you.
〇 Let's start with you.

× School starts from April.   
〇 School starts in April.

× I've been waiting from 5 o'clock.
〇 I've been waiting since 5 o'clock.

× We were talking with the phone.
〇 We were talking on/over the phone.

× I bought it by the net.
〇 I bought it online.

× I saw it in TV/the news.
〇 I saw it on TV/ the news.    電子関係は"on"にします。

× I read it on the newspaper.    紙関係は"in"にします。
〇 I read it in the newspaper.
