

1223 泣くなよ。

Scenario: 今日は息子が小学校にあがって初めての参観日だ。生徒一人一人が自分の研究したことを発表し、その一生懸命な姿に感動して泣いている親もいた。私は息子の順番が近づくにつれ、落ち着かない。(→1166. へ)。いよいよ息子の登場。そのとき夫にこう言われた。


"Try not to cry."

【ポイント】"Don't cry."と"Try not to cry."の使い分け。

"Don't cry."は、「泣かないで。」と泣いている人に言います。

"Try not to cry."は、日本語では、「泣かないで。」ですが、「泣かないようにしよう。」ということもあります。つまり、今は泣いていないけれど、「これから泣くようなことがあるかもしれないけど、我慢して泣かないようにしてね。」ということです。

"Try not to laugh."は、「笑わないようにしよう。」で、笑った方が負け、というゲームで使います。

"Try not to cry challenge."や、"Try not to laugh challenge."といって、相手を泣かせたり、笑わせたりしようとするゲームがあります。

"Try not to laugh challenge."は、日本語では「にらめっこ」といったりしますね。次のビデオは"Try not to cry challenge"という動画です。

動画の中には、"Don't cry."という場面もあるので、"Try not to cry."との違いを感じてください。

Reacting to the SADDEST animations - TRY NOT TO CRY CHALLENGE



It's his first day at school, relatable...,
I hope this isn't another bullying story because those ones really hit hard.
The first day of school is always hard for everybody.

He has to be tall enough.
He's not tall enough, relatable...
I'm short too bro, I'm short too.
Is he going to make it? Get that ear up! It counts.
Are you so excited?

Hi, Pip!
They're learning to be service dogs for blind people.
Not too bad Pip!
You got the food. You gotta turn it off. 
He's like failing at everything.
He's so adorable but how can you be mad at that face. You can't be mad at that face.

She's disappointed, hashtag relatable...
Lead the pack. The short dog is leading the pack. That's giving him hope. (lead the pack =群を抜く)
Pip, you can do this.

Turn off that food, I mean, why would you? Everyone turned off the food.

He is slaying the day. I love this so much. It's not sad yet. No tears from here.
If you got this bro, you got this. Show what you got(→1219へ).

He's been kicked out. Poor doggy.
It's okay. You can always try again next year.
He just wanted to help that woman over there, you know?

It's so pure guys, so pure. Don't cry. Poor doggy.
All he wants to do is help. Oh, No, she's in trouble. Go help her, Pip.
Oh, he's the little dog. He's only one that can fit through the gate!
You got this. Pip, you got this. He's helping her through.

I like how he's using the purse to help her. That's cute.
You saved someone. What a good dog! Oh, everybody saw it, too.
This is so adorable. But I mean, he kind of left her hanging. She wanted a hug. Someone's cutting opinions up in here.

I love this our dog saved the day every day for people with vision loss and veterans with disabilities.

Animals are so good to us. We don't deserve them. He goes talk to my therapist now.

”Try not to ~”を使って、会話文を作ってみましょう。

